Watch videos on mmhmm

Videos shared with mmhmm can be watched on mmhmm. To watch these videos, you must either be the content owner or have access to the link. You can also watch videos shared with you (if logged in) or public videos on mmhmm.

Find videos on mmhmm

  1. In a web browser, go to and sign in with your mmhmm account.
  2. In the left sidebar, choose a category to narrow your search. Or, use the search bar at the top of the screen to find a video.
  3. Click a video to play it.
  4. Interact with the video by changing the video speed, clicking through slides, reacting with emojis, and leaving comments.

Video player interface 

Tip: Click the image below to enlarge it.


Click to show/hide definitions
1 Play/pause and video speed controls. Click to cycle through multiple play speeds.
2 Skip between slides or use the controls to rewind or fast-forward by 10 seconds. 
3 Show or hide closed captioning/subtitles (if available).
4 Volume control slider.
5 Enter/exit full screen.
6 Chapter timeline. Click a chapter thumbnail to jump to that section in the video.
7 Video title.
8 Download, edit, or delete your video. (Only available to videos you own.)
9 Share the video with others or copy the embed code. (Access video privacy settings if you are the video owner.)
10 Video description.
11 Video tags.
12 Comment section. This section is only available on private videos or videos shared on [My Organization].
13 Change the video thumbnail or generate and edit captions. (Only available to videos you own.)

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