Find videos you recorded with mmhmm

You can find and edit your videos in mmhmm or in a web browser.

Find and edit your videos

In mmhmm In a web browser
  1. Open mmhmm on your computer. Click the Presentations tab at the top of the start screen to open the Presentations library.
  2. Use the search box to search for your video.
  3. All presentations and videos that match your search will appear in the list under the search box. Presentations that contain videos matching your search will have a video icon [▶] under the presentation name.
  4. Click the presentation name to show the list of your videos created in that presentation. Then, click Edit under the video title to open your video in the video editor. This is where you can edit your video's contents.

    mmhmm find and edit videos.png
  5. Click each section on the left menu in the video editor to make changes to your video's settings:
      • Click Share to edit privacy settings, copy a sharable link, or add your video to channels on mmhmm.
      • Click Details to edit the video title, description, tags, and thumbnail. Click Delete video at the bottom of the Details window to delete your video (this is permanent and cannot be undone).
      • Click Edit to edit your video.
      • Click the download button (next to Share) to download your video. 
      • Click Captions to edit captions.

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