mmhmm Glossary

This glossary covers mmhmm-related terms and concepts.

  • Big Hands: An interactive feature in mmhmm that turns specific hand gestures into live emojis, such as thumbs up and heart. Learn more about Big Hands.
  • Chapter: When you record a video, we break it down into smaller clips called chapters. You can trim, merge, and split chapters, as well as move and delete them in the chapter timeline in the video editor. Learn how to record a video in mmhmm.
  • Conversation: You can have a live conversation with up to 10 people in mmhmm.
  • Highlights: AI-generated summary clips that capture the best moments of your recording and can be added anywhere in your video. Learn more about Highlights.
  • Media Library: A library of all the media you've added to any presentation you’ve created in mmhmm.
  • mmhmm camera: A virtual camera that combines your webcam image with slide content and visual effects in mmhmm. The mmhmm virtual camera can be selected, like any other camera, in your video conference application. Learn how to use the mmhmm camera on video calls.
  • Presentation: Build slides around you with text, images, screen shares, GIFs, video, or other media in an mmhmm presentation. Learn how to create an mmhmm presentation.
  • Questions: AI-generated questions you answer to guide you through a recording and help you express your thoughts more naturally. Learn more about Questions.
  • Scratchpad: The default sandbox presentation in mmhmm where you can explore and play around with creating slides and adding content.
  • Shared video: A video you share with others directly from mmhmm. You can control viewing and comment access and make changes even after it’s been shared. Learn how to share your mmhmm video.
  • Stage: Where your image, background, and slide content appear in the mmhmm app.
  • Virtual background: A virtual background replaces your real background in mmhmm, and can be a still image, animated image, or even an interactive activity. Learn how to set a virtual background.
  • Speaker Notes: A pop-out window that lets you control mmhmm when connected to other video conferencing tools and refer to your notes like a teleprompter while recording or presenting live. Learn more about Speaker Notes.
  • Suggestions: AI-generated suggestions for Highlights and follow-up questions to perfect your recording.


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