Record, edit, and share videos

Record and edit a video in mmhmm and share it with others.

Start recording

  1. Open the mmhmm app on your computer or in a web browser.
  2. In the welcome screen that appears, create or open an existing presentation. (If you choose to use Questions to create a video using AI, skip to the next section of this article.) Your recording will be associated to the presentation you open.
  3. Click the red Record button at the bottom of the mmhmm window. Your recording will begin after a 3-second countdown. During this time, the Record button will turn into a Stop button. 

    mmhmm new record button location.png
    If you make a mistake during the recording, click the cancel X button at the bottom of the window. Then, click Discard to delete the recording. If you change your mind and would like to keep the recording, click Save recording.

    mmhmm discard recording.png
  4. Once you're done recording, click Stop to stop recording. This will create a new video clip called a chapter. Additional chapters can be created while recording by advancing through slides in your presentation, or by clicking the button next to Stop.
  5. Also, a video editor window will appear where you can review the chapter(s) you just recorded. You will also have the option to trim, add overlays, split, merge, delete, reorder, or publish your video. Read below for more details on each of these options.

Video editor interface

The video editor window opens every time you finish recording a video clip. Use the video editor to edit the contents of your video, privacy settings, details, captions, and more.

Reopen the video editor anytime by clicking Edit next to the Record button. To open the video editor for a specific video, click the video drop-down menu next to the Record button. Then, click Edit for the video you want to edit:

mmhmm open video editor.png

Tip: Click the image below to zoom in/out.

mmhmm new video editor window sept 2024.png

Click here to show/hide definitions

Video title The title of your video. (Click it to rename your video.)
Video preview player
Play your video to review it.
Close editor
Close the video editor window.
Video info
Information and stats about the video.
Privacy settings
Change who has access to watch your video.
Share / Download
Publish your video to mmhmm and share it with others or download your video as an mp4 file.
Edit chapters
Trim, split or merge, rearrange chapters in your video (and more).
Supplement your video with mmhmm's AI features, Highlights and Questions.
Edit details
Edit your videos title, description, and tags.
Edit captions
Edit and update the captions (subtitles) for your video.
Trim Trim your recorded chapters.
Add overlay
Add visuals and text to your video over the current scene.
Split a recorded chapter into 2 separate chapters, or merge multiple chapters into 1.
(The merge button only appears when multiple chapters are selected.)
Upload chapter
Upload video files from your computer to your mmhmm video as chapters.
Chapter timeline Visualize the order of your recorded chapters. Click and drag chapters to reorder them.
Delete chapter
Delete highlighted chapters or recover deleted chapters.

Review your video

Review your video by clicking Play in the video editor.

mmhmm preview play.png

Trim what you just recorded

When you're done recording, click the Stop button to stop your recording. This will create a new video chapter and reveal the video editor window. Here, you can trim your recording. Trimming recorded chapters helps to smooth transitions from one chapter to another.

To trim, or delete the parts of your recording you don't want:

  1. Select the chapter you want to trim.
  2. Click Trim to open the trimming tool. (Alternatively, double-click the chapter to open the trimming tool.)

    mmhmm trim.png

  3. Click and drag each end of the video slider to define the part of the chapter you want to keep. The gray sections will be removed. Optionally, click Zoom in for more granular and precise control.

  4. Review your edit by using your mouse to hover over the video preview. Click play (or the space bar on your keyboard) to play the trimmed part of the chapter.
  5. Once you're satisfied with your edit, click Save changes. Optionally, click Cancel if you change your mind about trimming.

By default, you can only trim the beginning and end of each recorded chapter. There is, however, a workaround to trim out sections of recorded video in the middle of your chapter:

  1. Split a chapter right before the section you want to trim. This will split your chapter into 2 chapters.
  2. Trim each chapter so that the desired section is removed.
  3. Merge the 2 chapters back into 1 single chapter.

When you're satisfied with your edit, you can:

Rearrange chapters

To rearrange chapters in your video, click and drag a chapter to your desired spot in the video editor. Hold the shift key on your keyboard while clicking and dragging the desired chapters to rearrange multiple chapters at once.


Upload chapters

Note: You can only upload MP4, WebM, and MOV file types that are no more than 2GB in size and 4 hours in duration as chapters.

Upload video files from your computer to include content recorded outside of mmhmm in your video as chapters.

To upload chapters, click the Upload chapter button above the chapter timeline, or drag and drop the file from your computer onto the chapter timeline. Click Cancel at any time during the upload process to cancel the upload.

The uploaded chapter will appear at the end of the chapter timeline. Once uploaded, you can:

Split or merge chapters

Note: You can split a chapter as many times as you'd like, provided the shortest duration of a split chapter is at least 1 second. 

You may want to split chapters to separate topics of your video into individual chapters. To do this, click and drag the playhead in the video progress bar to the desired chapter section of your video. A black bar will appear in the timeline below to illustrate the location of the playhead.

Once you are happy with the playhead position, click Split. The chapter will split into 2 chapters where the playhead is located.

Merge chapters

Note: The process of merging chapters removes trimmed video from each chapter section. The chapter merging process can not be undone.

You may want to merge chapters together to group sections of your video by similar topic. By default, the merge button is hidden until you select 2 or more chapter sections. To merge chapters, hold the shift key on your keyboard while clicking the desired chapters. Then, click Merge. A confirmation window will appear asking if you'd like to proceed. When you're ready, click Merge.

Delete chapters (or recover deleted chapters)

To delete entire chapters of your video:

    1. Open the video editor by clicking Edit next to Record. If you need to open the video editor for a specific video, click the video drop-down menu next to the Record button. Then, click Edit for the video you want to edit.

      mmhmm open video editor.png

    2. Click the chapter you want to delete. (Hold the shift key on your keyboard while clicking on the desired chapters to delete multiple chapters at once.
    3. Click Delete Chapter.

      mmhmm delete chapter.png

If you change your mind and want to recover a deleted chapter, click the trash icon button next to Delete Chapter. This button will also show how many chapters you deleted.

  1. Click the chapter you want to restore. (Hold the shift key on your keyboard while clicking on the desired chapters to restore multiple chapters at once.)
  2. Click Restore.

    mmhmm restore deleted chapters.png

Add overlays and title cards

Overlays let you add visuals and text to your video after recording, so you don’t need to plan them in advance. They work like L-cuts or J-cuts, which are film editing transitions where new visuals appear over the current scene. Use overlays to:

  • Emphasize Points: Highlight important information without disrupting the flow.
  • Insert Title Cards: Signal new sections in your video.
  • Add Variety: Break up similar scenes with B-roll or still images without leaving moments of dead audio.

Add an overlay to your chapter

  1. In the video editor window, click the chapter where you want to add an overlay.
  2. Click Add overlay to open the media library.

    mmhmm add overlay button.png

  3. Choose any piece of content from your media library to add to your video, or upload new content from your computer. Then, click Add. Your media will upload and convert to an overlay. 
  4. Click and drag the overlay to change the position in the chapter timeline.
  5. Click the overlay to highlight it. Click and drag each end (represented by the purple grab handles) to change the duration of the overlay.  If the overlay duration is longer than the video itself, the overlay will loop.
  6. Hover over the overlay to reveal the more (3 dots) button. Click the more button to change how the overlay appears on screen:
    • Click Fill to crop the overlay to fill the whole screen. This will crop the sides of your media.
    • Click Fit to show the entire content of the overlay with colored bars on the sides or top/bottom.
    • Click Delete to delete the overlay.

    mmhmm overlay fill fit delete.png
  7. Click Save changes.

Add a title card to your chapter

Note: Title cards are overlays that show text instead of a visual.
  1. In the video editor window, click the chapter where you want to add a title card.
  2. Click Add overlay to open the media library.
  3. Click New title card at the top of the media library window.

    mmhmm overlay new title card.png

  4. Edit the title card in the window that appears. You can change the text, color, size, and format.
  5. Click Save to save and create the title card.
  6. Click and drag the title card to change its position in the chapter timeline. Click the added title card to highlight it. Click and drag each end (represented by purple grab handles) to change the duration of the title card. 
  7. Hover over the title card to reveal the more (3 dots) button. Click it to change how the title card appears on screen:
    • Click Edit title card to change the contents and formatting of the title card.
    • Click Delete to delete the title card.
  8. Click Save changes.

When you're satisfied, you can:

Publish and share your video

Once you finish recording and editing, share your video by clicking Share on the left side of the video editor. Then click Publish.

mmhmm new share button.png

Your video will publish to mmhmm and the Share video window will appear. Here, choose your videos privacy settings, send the video via email, or copy the link to the video to share it with others.

Update and republish your video

If you need to make an update to a video that you already published and shared, follow the steps below.

    1. Open mmhmm on your computer. Click the Presentations tab at the top of the start screen to open the Presentations library.
    2. Use the search box to search for your video.
    3. All presentations and videos that match your search will appear in the list under the search box. Presentations that contain videos matching your search will have a video icon [▶] under the presentation name.
    4. Click the presentation name to show the list of your videos created in that presentation. Then, click Edit under the video title to open your video in the video editor. This is where you can edit your video's contents.

      mmhmm find and edit videos.png
    5. Once you finish recording and editing, republish your video by clicking Update on the left side of the video editor.
    6. Click Republish in the window that appears to republish the video to mmhmm.

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