Uninstall mmhmm from your computer

Follow these steps to uninstall mmhmm from your computer. If you're not sure which version of mmhmm you're using, check out this article: Identify your mmhmm app version.

Note: Uninstalling mmhmm from your computer will not delete your mmhmm account. Learn how to delete your mmhmm account.

mmhmm (Mac) mmhmm (Windows)
  1. Close any video conferencing apps that are running on your computer, including mmhmm.
  2. Open the Finder on your desktop or from your dock.
  3. In the left sidebar, go to Applications.
  4. Find mmhmm, then right-click it and select Move to Trash.
  5. A window will appear stating that the mmhmm app is hosting system extensions which will be removed if you continue. This refers to the mmhmm virtual camera and virtual microphone plugins, which will need to be deleted in order for the mmhmm camera to be fully removed from your video conferencing tools. Click Continue.mmhmm-desktop-extension-continue.png
  6. If prompted, enter your Mac password to finish moving mmhmm to Trash.
  7. To permanently delete mmhmm, right-click the Trash icon on your desktop or from your dock and select Empty Trash.
  8. After you finish the uninstallation process, restart your computer.

mmhmm Camera still appears after uninstalling mmhmm

If you still see the mmhmm Camera in Zoom, Meet, or other video conferencing apps after uninstalling it from your computer, follow the steps below:

  1. Re-install mmhmm on your computer and open it.
  2. While holding the option key () on your keyboard, click mmhmm in the Mac menu bar and select Uninstall mmhmm Camera. Then follow the on-screen steps.

    uninstall mmhmm camera.png
  3. Uninstall mmhmm normally, as outlined at the beginning of this article.

Don’t see the answer to your question? If you’re having technical difficulties or want to suggest a topic for this guide, submit a support ticket or email us at help@mmhmm.app.

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