Share your phone or tablet screen in mmhmm

You can share your iOS device screen on your mmhmm call or presentation.

Note: mmhmm does not natively support sharing non-iOS device screens (e.g. Android phones or tablets), but you can use third-party applications to do so.

  1. Connect your iPhone, iPad, or iPod to your Mac.
  2. If your device asks if you want to trust this computer, click Trust.
  3. If a popup appears asking Is this Lightning adapter connecting a pair of headphones?, tap Other Device.
  4. On your Mac, open QuickTime Player.
  5. In the Mac menu bar, go to File and select New Movie Recording.

  6. A new QuickTime window will appear. Click Caret Down Bold Vector SVG Icon - SVG Repo next to the Record ⏺ icon and select your iOS device. Keep this window open.

  7. In mmhmm, add a new Screenshare slide.
  8. In the window that appears, select the QuickTime Player - Movie Recording window. Then, click Share.

mmhmm mirror iphone screen.png

You should now see your iOS device screen appear as a screenshare slide in mmhmm.


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