mmhmm camera is flipped in Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams

If you use mmhmm with Zoom, Google Meet, or Microsoft Teams, your image may appear flipped. Many video conferencing tools flip your camera horizontally to make it feel like looking into a mirror. This flipped image is then shown to your audience in the correct orientation.

Your image is not flipped in mmhmm. Others on the call will see you normally and not see you or your content mirrored.

Turn off mirroring

If you don't want your video to be mirrored, you can turn it off in some video conferencing tools.

Zoom Google Meet Microsoft Teams
  1. Open Zoom and start or join a meeting.
  2. In the bottom toolbar, click up-arrow next to Video and select Video settings.


  3. In the Camera section, turn off Mirror my video.



Slides are not flipped but my appearance is flipped

If your content and slides appear in the correct orientation but your own appearance is flipped, turn on mirroring in mmhmm.

  1. In mmhmm, click down-arrow next to the Camera icon.
  2. Turn on Mirror video.


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