Keyboard shortcuts, hotkeys, and gestures

You can use keyboard shortcuts, hotkeys, and gestures to make your mmhmm experience more efficient.

All shortcuts

Mac Windows
Previous or next slide left_arrow_key.png or right_arrow_key.png
Turn slides on and off comma_key.png
Turn camera on or off option_key.pngshift_key.pngc_key.png
Turn mic on or off option_key.pngshift_key.pngm_key.png
Increase or decrease presenter opacity Select yourself on the mmhmm stage, then
mouse_scroll.png(scroll using your mouse)
or two-finger scroll on your trackpad
Increase or decrease presenter size Select yourself on the mmhmm stage, then
ctrl_key.png +mouse_scroll.png(scroll using your mouse)
or pinch to zoom on your trackpad
Turn pointer on and off p key.png
Close mmhmm command_key.pngw_key.png
Undo command_key.pngz key.png
Redo shift_key.pngcommand_key.pngz key.png

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