Use Speakers Notes in your presentation

Speaker Notes lets you control mmhmm when connected to other video conferencing tools and refer to your notes like a teleprompter while recording your video or presenting live to an audience.

Note: Speaker Notes is only available on the mmhmm desktop app. It is not available on mmhmm in a web browser.

Open the Speaker Notes window

In mmhmm, click Speaker Notes in the bottom left. This will open Speaker Notes in a new window.


  • On Mac, you can also go to Window > Show Speaker Notes in the Mac menu bar.
  • On Windows, you can click the menu icon and select Show Speaker Notes.


Speaker Notes interface


1 new.png Switch between layouts. Choose the vertical layout to see your notes for all slides at once, or the horizontal layout to see notes for each slide, one at a time.
2 new.png Use the slider to change the size of your slide thumbnails.
3 new.png Decrease/Increase the size of your speaker notes text.
4 new.png View or edit your speaker notes. Refer to these notes when recording your video or presenting live to an audience.
5 new.png Previous/Next slide.
6 new.png Start/Stop recording.
7 new.png Turn on/off your microphone or switch between available microphones.
8 new.png Turn on/off your camera or switch between available cameras.


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