Join the mmhmm beta

Join the mmhmm beta to preview early versions of mmhmm and give us feedback to improve the product. The beta gives you access to new and experimental features that have not been released on the general version of mmhmm.

Note: The mmhmm beta software may include unstable features that are not representative of the final version quality. If you join our beta, we ask that you report any bugs you encounter so we can investigate and resolve them.

Join the beta

Mac Windows Web browser

To join the mmhmm beta on Mac:

  1. Open mmhmm on your computer and click mmhmm in the menu bar.
  2. Click Join the mmhmm Beta.

    mmhmm mac join beta.png
  3. A prompt will appear asking if you want to join the beta. Click Join to confirm.
  4. mmhmm will update if necessary.

Leave the beta

Mac Windows Web browser

To leave the mmhmm beta on Mac:

  1. Open mmhmm on your computer and click mmhmm in the menu bar.
  2. Click Leave the mmhmm Beta.

    mmhmm mac leave beta.png

  3. A prompt will appear asking if you want to leave the beta. Click Leave to confirm.
  4. mmhmm will update if necessary.

mmhmm known bugs


  • The app does not honor the system settings for light/dark mode and must be set manually within the app settings. 


  • Memory usage increases when the mmhmm window is fully or partially obscured by another window. This is only observable on certain computers, and is exacerbated when running on battery power.

mmhmm beta release notes

Release notes and product updates can be found in mmhmm.

Beta credits

mmhmm is made possible with the following open source software:

mceclip0.png CEF Project
Chromium_Logo.svg.png Chromium

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